Not Compromising in a Compromised Education System

By William Rodriguez / Fall 2020

Dear Brandon,

I know you do not think much of community college or of your prospects pursuing higher education. I can't say exactly how you feel, but since we both come from similar educational backgrounds, I will tell you that I thought my private school education was a waste because I ended up at community college. You might feel like community college is embarrassing or lower quality than your friends attending liberal arts colleges. You might also feel like you are alone since many of your peers are attending four year colleges. I want you to know while some of your assumptions about community college and yourself while valid, are not entirely true. Community college is definitely different than some of the prestigious liberal art schools your friends are attending but that doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging or has nothing to offer you. In community college you will likely face the challenge of atomization, competitive individualism and the pressure to be a model minority. I want you to know that my community college friends and I faced similar issues, but fear not, by the end of this letter I hope you will understand the challenges present at Skyline College and how to best approach them. I hope I can help you to navigate the many institutional and personal barriers you will likely confront and give you strength to trust yourself and the people you love.

I need you to know that community college is an educational institution which will force you to always actively advocate for yourself. Unsurprisingly, the community college system is underfunded so many students are vying for limited resources and bureaucratic policies are put in place to limit access.  Unfortunately this means bureaucratic agents need to be confronted. Understand this is not their fault and neither is it your fault that you need to make demands known. Skyline College is publicly funded and is a part of three other schools, Skyline is unfortunately the adequately funded of the schools. Counselors, administrators, registrar officers and financial aid officers will be frustrating. Counselors are randomly assigned, financial aid offices will contradict the information on the websites, registrars will not let you sign up for a class after showing proper paperwork. Do not worry about looking like an asshole or know it all, in reality if you do the research be confident in yourself. I would recommend that you show them where you found your information and assert yourself.  It will only get easier and self-confidence will help you in all facets of your life!

Next you need to know that community college is not any different than the education your peers are receiving so don't feel atomized because of it. What I mean by atomized is, don't let others think that your pathway to an education is any different or inferior to their process. In reality, you are part of the same collegiate system that someone from Stanford is a part of. Usually the people who believe in the traditional route cannot see their own biases and advantages. You and I both went to CSB and private highschools and I know you saw how rich some people were. Money is not an issue for them and unlike us we have to compromise sometimes. But the compromise of community college is not the school itself but the compromise of living at home and not going to campus parties. With Covid-19 those parties are not happening anymore, we are in the same boat and I’m at a four year college now! Take classes that interest you and choose courses with the best professors. Use rate my professor, talk to acquaintances you meet, and quickly you will learn about the reputations that professors have. All of the information is out there, just remember you need to self advocate and do your own research or please talk to me!

Unfortunately you will have to look like a model minority student. It is not necessarily a bad thing but as a latino man you will have to appear more competent than some of your peers. What I mean is, the community college system is large, filled with other competing students and only so many places for transfers. Because of the competition and systemic racism you will have to look like a minority who does more than other latinos or as well as other races. While it is unfortunate you must compete with your peers because of your race, remember to do this in your own style! I know you like music and band so join the school band, the singing club or volunteer to teach highschools the flute. These are great experiences for you, look good on applications, and are a way to maintain your individuality without having to compromise to the demands of having to seem perfect on a college application.

I want you to understand that at the core of these problems, none of them are your fault. These are systemic issues which have existed for a long time due to lack of funding, lack of mobility and racial inequalities. The poorly funded teachers, counselors, and advisors are part of a nationwide problem with public education, consequently you have to advocate for yourself and put yourself and others in hard positions. It is the same for the reputation which community college in general receives. It is not the community college itself or students like you, or I that do anything wrong. It is the opinion of people who, like I said don’t have to compromise and may have certain benefits like their income, race and legacy status. Like I previously stated, you will have to compete with other individuals, and because you are a minority you will have to seem better than other minorities. The toxic competition and having to rely on your race for entrance into college is the fault of our society which deems only the hardest working and best will make it to the top. I want you to remember, these are all barriers which want you to conform to a certain being or person. Despite all of these barriers to make you into what society wants, you need to decide what you want. Exude that passion to the world through whatever you find and do your best to evolve and change according to what is best for you and those you care about.


Uncle Memes