The Analytical Method grew out of mentorship and experiences with Jorge Mariscal and the Dimensions of Culture community (2009 - 2016). Together, we carved out a utopian backwater. Its waters flow into this website.
The Composition Method grew out of experiences with Drs. Jeff Gagnon, Karen Gocsik, and Lad Tobin, as well as from precious dialogues with Ron Miller and Joe Babcock. They helped me develop a humane way of teaching writing.
The teachings wouldn’t exist without my teachers. Those I physically encountered, especially Jorge, Page DuBois, Luis Martín-Cabrera, and Jason Blasso. And those I met on the page: Carl Sagan who wrote to share his cosmic vision; Thich Nhat Hanh who taught me to look deeply; Baba Ram Dass and his Guru who taught me to feed students good food.
And, of course, my folks. Da, who taught me nonviolence through his life and death. Ma, who showed me a tenacity incapable of being sunk by Hurricane Sandy or any manmade storm.
And—to my wife Lianne, my daughter Aislynn, all our critters—You’re my lighthouse guiding me home through the tempest.
Works used on the website:
Chicano Legacy 40 Años. Mural by Mario Torero and UCSD students.
Freedom Riders with hands intertwined. Photograph: Ted Polumbaum Collection.
Angela Davis speaking at a street rally in 1974. Photograph: Bettmann/Bettmann Archive.
Carlos Blanco speaking at UCSD September 26, 1970. Photograph: Mandeville Special Collections.