
This section provides a curriculum for teaching students how to analyze, and write about, the social systems they navigate on a daily basis. The curriculum gives them the tools of structural and ideological analysis. It asks them to use the tools to look deeply at their experiences and problems they face. Writing gives them an opportunity to communicate those depths to readers who would benefit from the uncovered view. To see how students use the tools, visit the Analysis section.



Various iterations of syllabus with assignments and course materials


Analytical Tools


Keywords and charts to give students a language and visual frame for doing systemic analysis


Composition Tools


Strategies to help students write revelatory essays




Resources to refine the method of systemic analysis


Carlos Blanco proposed a course of study that was ‘humanistic’ and designed to ‘offer the possibility of students to apply the critical and analytical tools of modern learning to the problems they face in their environment.’ - Jorge Mariscal