Outro: Looking in the Mirror

By Anonymous

I was not sure what to expect in the class

But all these contemplations have served their purpose

Leaving a lasting impression

Allowing me to look inward

To step out of my comfort zone and write in a different style

To break free from the rigidity of the traditional essay

Allowing me to share my personal experiences

And connect with the reader in a meaningful way

To check where I stand and what I stand for

Is this what I want?

Is this the meaning of life?

Especially as I think about family

Grandma, Baba, my parents

How did they discover the meaning of life?

Did they all find happiness?

This class has exceeded expectations in every category. We covered historical facts and learned life lessons from those who have bravely paved the way for the rest of us. We practiced looking inward, staying curious, learning to quiet the noises around you, and pondering your path in life. In the process of making this collection, I noticed a transition in my thought process and presentation. I have noticed that I have started to deviate from the traditional writing style to a more expressive and open way of communicating my thoughts. As I read Niall’s and some of the other friends’ essays, I related to the ones who got raw and personal about their own experiences. I started to step out of the boundary that I felt had been limiting me. It was not easy. As a matter of fact, the first few steps were painful and I walked back a few times. Gradually, I felt free to be myself and write about my feelings and thoughts.

In Niall’s essay collection, the introduction was about thinking through how he could make the course better; he was taking us through his thought process with him so we could relate and feel more immersed. It was a very personal introduction and invited the reader into his thinking, and he kept building on the reality that he deeply cared about his students and he could build upon our experiences every day. It was the first time that a professor had shared their thoughts outside of the course material and it resonated with me in a way that I did not expect at first. As I read Niall’s and other friends’ writings, I felt a connection regarding all the ways that we are similar and all the differences disappeared. The only thing that mattered was how being vulnerable had bound us in an unexpected way.

The stories that resonated with me were raw and personal.

I thought about my writings and how at the beginning I was very hesitant to get personal with my Easy Essays but now I’m trying to write about more personal topics and see that that’s how you connect to the reader. The traditional essay format is very rigid and does not easily allow for that same connection to be made. So I planned to put my collection together with emotion, vulnerability and with the goal to invite the reader into my world. I ignored the boundary and became more of a risk-taker with my writing.

This time when I looked at the stars

I was able to see many bright ones

Who shared their light with other stars

And remained bright

Martin Luther King Jr.

George Winne Jr.

Baba and grandma

And others who had become the brightest stars in the sky;

They brighten the dark nights and guide us to the dawn

They have an influence on all of us, guide all of our paths

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that”


Can we mend the damage caused by the monster?

Can we prevent the monster from creating even more destruction in our society?

Can we keep the spark going?

Can we follow the guiding light?

Can we become one of the bright stars?

< Blinded by Shiny Objects