The Opposite of Fading
By Niall Twohig
Aislynn chose you, Ma,
as one of her three items.
Wise choice!
I gave her that old photo,
faded now as testament to the years.
In inverse proportion,
your Spirit becomes more lucid,
crystal clear,
as old masks fade
or are ripped away
by time passing
by sunrise after sunrise
by gravity and work
and work
and work
and choices (unwise and wise)
and loss and gain
and loss again
and Grace.
All of this has worn away the edges,
broken what need
and needn’t be broken,
to reveal You
The same You
came to my bedside
as a sick boy—
You put aside your selves,
your schedules,
to nurse me to health.
Through feverish fogs
and tummy aches
I saw you
(I see you still):
The Healer,
The Nurse.